Sunday 24 August 2008

Download Akira Rabelais mp3

Akira Rabelais

Artist: Akira Rabelais: mp3 download





Elongated Pentagonal Pyramid

 Elongated Pentagonal Pyramid

   Year: 1999   

Tracks: 12

An intellectual pioneer as much as anything else, Akira Rabelais issued forth musical creations and inventions from his perch at CalArts. Born and elevated in South Texas, one of his childhood pastimes involved shooting alloy plates with bb guns so that he could feel the unequalled sound that it caused. That fascination with sound, combined with a philosophical and literary bent (his favourite phantasmagoric and thaumaturgist realist snippets of literature ar on his land site, helped lay the route for the musical creations he has been issuing since 1990 -- he describes himself as a "composer composition software program, not an railway locomotive engineer making music." The software software that Rabelais made reference to in that summon, or at least the most illustrious among his inventions was the Argeƃ¯phontes Lyre. With functions care Eviscerator Reanimator, Time Domain Mutation, Morphological Disintegration, Verwechslung Kaffeetass and The Lobster Quadrille, the Lyre was a platform that allowed the user to bring in a number of alterations to a piece of prerecorded sound. The platform quickly became a favorite of electronic music composers such as Terre Thaemitz and Scanner, world Health Organization used it to create disorientating good shifts. Rabelais' have cd, Extended Pentagonal Pyramid (Ritornell, 1999) showed the seal of the Lyre, with its multiple layers of gently hesitation good . Eisotrophobia followed in springtime 2001.

Wednesday 6 August 2008


Artist: Stephy



Get Down   
 Get Down

   Year: 2007   
Tracks: 2


Wim Wenders will head Venice jury

Friday 27 June 2008

Caine Flagged As A Terrorist

Academy Award winner Sir Michael Caine was once stopped and searched at a U.S. airport after triggering security alerts for possible terrorists. The actor blames the incident on travelling under his real name Maurice Mickelwhite - which renders him anonymous - and on his wife for taking all their bags with her the day before. Caine explains to GQ magazine, "I was stopped in Texas once. My wife had gone home the day before with all the luggage. I asked, 'What profile do I have that makes me a terrorist?' "He said, 'You have no luggage. You're a foreigner. You're in first class. And you're the last to board. That is the profile of all the 9/11 fliers."

See Also

Thursday 19 June 2008

Caliban VS Heaven Shall Burn

Caliban VS Heaven Shall Burn   
Artist: Caliban VS Heaven Shall Burn



The Split Programm   
 The Split Programm

Tracks: 10

Heaven Shall Burn Vs. Caliban The Split Program II   
 Heaven Shall Burn Vs. Caliban The Split Program II

Tracks: 11


Thursday 12 June 2008

Disunion Over SAG "Solidarity"

Although it was scheduled to hold a "solidarity" rally in Los Angeles this morning (Monday), the Screen Actors Guild was being accused of disruptive tactics aimed at dominating union affairs in the industry in general and those of the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists in particular. "SAG Goes to War Against AFTRA," headlined Daily Variety, citing SAG's efforts to encourage members who hold joint membership in AFTRA to vote down the recent pact signed by AFTRA and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers. Reporting on SAG's strategy the Los Angeles Times accused the union of "attempting to throw a monkey wrench" into the agreement with AFTRA. The newspaper quoted Paul Christie, a former president of SAG's New York local and a current member of the union's national board, as saying, "Asking dual cardholders to vote down a contract for one of the unions that they work under is possibly the most idiotic course to date." Today's Hollywood Reporter said that AFTRA President Roberta Reardon is planning to discuss SAG's reported decision to spend $75,000 to "educate" dual members about the AFTRA deal. Reardon and AFTRA national executive director Kim Roberts Hedgpeth called SAG's tactics "unprecedented interference" and warned "that we would view any attempt by SAG or its leadership to undermine or interfere with our ratification process as a violation of both the law and the AFL-CIO constitution." Summing up SAG's recent course of action, veteran industry journalist Alex Ben Block, wrote on his Hollywood Today website, "The Screen Actors Guild is becoming the Hillary Clinton of the Hollywood labor movement. ... Like Hillary Clinton, SAG won't give up even though it has become clear it can't win the battle on the terms it has laid out. Instead of looking for a graceful exit, and a deal that will keep its members working and the industry going, SAG leaders still beat the war drums."

See Also

Friday 6 June 2008

Former Idol star McPhee gets married

Singer and actress Katherine McPhee has married producer Nick Cokas in a ceremony in Beverly Hills.
According to People magazine, the former 'American Idol' star's representative confirmed the couple had married in a Presbyterian Church in Beverly Hills on Saturday afternoon.
The 23-year-old singer reportedly wore a strapless ivory Manuel Mota gown to the ceremony, which was attended by over 300 guests.
McPhee met 42-year-old Cokas in 2005 when they performed together in a Los Angeles production of 'The Ghost and Mrs Muir'.

Saturday 31 May 2008

Tenor Giuseppe Di Stefano dies, 86

The legendary Italian tenor Giuseppe Di Stefano has died in Milan.
Di Stefano, who was 86, had suffered poor health after being attacked during a robbery at his Kenyan holiday home in 2004.
The tenor was treated for serious head injuries and went into a coma while in hospital in Milan last December.
Born in Sicily, Di Stefano made his operatic debut in 1946 and gave the late Luciano Pavarotti his big break when illness forced him out of a performance of 'La Boheme' at Covent Garden in London in 1963; Pavarotti performed as his replacement.
During his career Di Stefano made many records with Pavarotti and Maria Callas.


Artist: Skanfrom



Talking Translator (EP)   
 Talking Translator (EP)

   Year: 2001   
Tracks: 6


Smallville star now a Street Fighter

'Smallville' star Kristin Kreuk is to play the lead role in the big screen version of the video game 'Street Fighter'.
The film website says that 'Street Fighter: Legend of Chun-Li!' is due to start filming in Thailand in March 2008.
The story focuses on fighter Chun-Li's (Kreuk) quest for justice.
Kreuk plays Lana Lane in 'Smallville'; her other credits include the films 'Partition' and 'EuroTrip'.

Kerry Katona checks into clinic

Kerry Katona has reportedly checked in to the Priory clinic in order to receive treatment for depression.
According to her publicist Max Clifford the star was readmitted to the clinic as part of her regular treatment for bi-polar disorder.
Clifford said: "Everything is good in terms of her marriage and career-wise."
"She suffers from bi-polar disorder. Some days she is down. There is nothing different at the moment."
Filming for Katona's MTV show 'Crazy in Love' has been "placed on hold this week", according to the television channel.
Katona is due to give birth to her fourth child in May.

Claymates Rejoice! Aiken's Baby Makin'

Clay AikenWell, that's one way to show the measure of a man.

Clay Aiken is expanding the ranks of the Claynation by one, expecting a child with music producer Jaymes Foster this...

My Cat Is An Alien; Thurston Moore

My Cat Is An Alien; Thurston Moore   
Artist: My Cat Is An Alien; Thurston Moore



from the earth to the Spheres   
 from the earth to the Spheres

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 2


Indy To Set Box-office Record

Henry Marshall And The Playshop Family

Henry Marshall And The Playshop Family   
Artist: Henry Marshall And The Playshop Family

Easy Listening


Mantras III - A Little Bit Of Heaven   
 Mantras III - A Little Bit Of Heaven

   Year: 1998   
Tracks: 8


Amy Winehouse: 'No action to be taken' over drugs video

No action will be taken against Amy Winehouse in relation to a video handed to police.

The footage which was given to police in January showed the singer smoking a substance which was believed to be illegal drugs.

A statement issued by the singer's spokesperson said: "(Police) have now concluded their enquiries and no charges will be brought. Amy's bail date to return to Limehouse police station has been cancelled, bringing this matter to an end."

The singer was said to be "pleased" about the decision and is looking forward to playing the summer festivals - her itinerary includes slots at T In The Park festivals, Glastonbury and V.